Dear TigerOne: You are 4 months old

6 Mar

Dear TigerOne,

On March 2nd, you turned four months old. I had high hopes of creating a post like this for each month of your first year, but here we are, 4 months into your life and I am finally getting around to doing this. Better late than never!

You’ve done so much growing lately. I mean, I guess that’s sort of your job as a baby, but man, you are doing it so well you should get a raise! You are creeping on 17 lbs now, rapidly approaching double your birth weight, and you are getting so long! You are 26 3/4 inches as of today, which puts you in the 96th percentile on height. As a result, you are wearing 6-9 month clothing and rapidly outgrowing the carseat that was supposed to last you until you are about a year old. That’s okay though, I know what it’s like to be tall and to not fit comfortably into airplane seats and struggle to find pants that fit. I’ll show you the ropes.

Day to day you are now:

Smiling like nobody’s business

Continually clasping your hands together

Bringing those hands up to your mouth and sucking your fingers

Learning how to suck his fingers. Killing me with sweetness.
Being forced to do lots of tummy time and physical therapy exercises

And all that tummy time is paying off, because your floppy neck is getting stronger!


We are still having lots of sweet cuddle time.
I know that I am going to miss this someday and I’m trying to savor it.

Best of days. #16weeksalready #stopgrowingsofast

You are also usually missing one sock, constantly kicking your little legs, and drooling up a storm. You are more interested in looking at the mobile in your crib and out of windows. You are enjoying your swing. You are generally mellow but still pretty fussy around bedtime. Oh, and you are starting to chuckle more and more, I can’t wait until you full on giggle. My heart will probably explode.

In occupational therapy we are currently working on:

Rolling from back to belly
Not arching the neck & overall neck and trunk strength
Bottle feedings
Eye focusing

Big events and fun times this month:

You met your grandparents! They are your Papa’s parents and they adore you

Proud Grandparents

You had your first swallow study

Scene from early today at #tigerone's swallow study. Sort of fascinating to watch. #MBS #fluoroscopy

And your first sleep study too

Sleep study #1

You took your first hike with me at Tilden Park


We went on a lake walk with the Bradley Class Mamas & babies


And…. (drum roll, please….) you ate your first solid food! Sweet potatoes!First solid food! He ate them sweet potatoes like a champ. #soproud

Life with you is such an adventure, TigerOne. Along with all of the regular milestones that most kids have, your monthly updates include hospital visits, swallow and sleep studies, and progress at occupational therapy. These experiences are all part of who you are, so I’m not being shy about documenting them. I want you to be proud of all the hard work you are doing, and to never feel sad or ashamed for being a little different. You my son, are a little warrior. I’m cataloging all of your battles so that you can someday look back and see how fierce and incredible you were from the very beginning.

I can’t wait to see how you flourish in the next month.


4 Responses to “Dear TigerOne: You are 4 months old”

  1. Jessica March 6, 2013 at 5:49 am #

    Ayah I love this. Really beautiful, it made me smile And tear up at the same time. You and Oscar are amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mary Sevilla March 6, 2013 at 3:35 pm #

    We enjoy keeping up on Coltrane’s progress. He’s just doing so well. His grandparents are so obviously crazy about him. What a sweet photo.

    GG and Lola

  3. Auntie C. March 6, 2013 at 4:28 pm #

    Hooray for Coltrane! Those smiley pictures are the BEST!

  4. Sue April 3, 2013 at 1:43 pm #

    Ayah, Coltrane looks like he is doing awesome! Look at him hold his head up like that! You guys are awesome.

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